Melinda’s Life - Bimbo Star Expansion - is now released!

This is the most important release in the history of Melinda's Life.

The amount of improvements and new content it contains is huge.

We have a new class with unique mechanics, new maps, new graphical details, a new major mechanic, new items, jobs for all classes, and minor bug fixes.

Expansion notes:

- New class: Gimbo, played by Elisabeth.

The Gimbo has the ability to summon a ghost at level 5, depending on which ghost she chooses, she can have Bimbo or Stepford bonuses.

At level 15, this ghost will learn an skill that affects the gimbo.

At level 35, the Gimbo also has the ability to craft her own equipment.

She can work by summoning demons in the witchcraft shop, which only she can enter.

Note: If you buy a smartphone and take it to the witchcraft shop after contacting the alien with Katyusha's device, the next day a divine surprise awaits you with the device you will be given.

- New mechanic: Now you can die before finishing the game.

After the priestess tells you the truth in the temple, a skull appears on your energy meter, this skull is the suspicion meter, it shows how much the antagonists of the plot suspect you, and when it turns black you have to be very careful, they could kill you when you least expect it.

The suspicion meter goes up when you cry in front of the mirror, when you make bad choices in dialogs, and also when events happen that are almost impossible to avoid.

- Now every classes has jobs.

There is a bulletin board in the mall where all classes (except the Breeder) can find jobs (the Breeder gets her job in a different way).

Personally, I think the Gimbo and Stepford jobs are the most interesting.

- New character: Dolly.

All classes will be able to meet her after learning the truth, you just have to enter the "babies" room and then go to the mall.

- New scenarios: Mall, Bimbo Academy, the house where the Stepford works, the Witchcraft shop, and a very special place that the Gimbo can access (details already mentioned in the Gimbo's description).

- As for the bug fixes, they are all almost irrelevant, so I consider them as touch-ups, and honestly I lost count of how many there were, but they are hard to notice, there are fixes to some dialogues, but always as touch-ups.

- You will also notice some minor changes like the music on your daughter's birthday, new graphical details like antennas on the roofs, etc.

If you find a bug, please report it to the e-mail:


Melinda's life - Bimbo Star Expansion 116 MB
5 days ago

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